IFS Advantage and Uniqueness

International Field Solutions specializes in serving the international research community. In the global research world a one stop solution and cost effective research are more important than ever.

Located in New York, Tucson, Miami, Los Angeles, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Berlin, Dresden, Bochum, Vienna and Glenoe (Northern Ireland) we have access to native speakers from all over the world and are able to conduct multinational projects, so you only have one setup cost and one partner.
All of our offices are located in major international population centres.
This supports our strategy of conducting a maximum of research with native speakers from IFS locations and sets us apart from the other research agencies.

Additionally, IFS has well-established partnerships with a network of independent research companies throughout the world, which enables us to coordinate international studies for major global clients even in countries where we don’t have an IFS fieldwork location.

Contact Us

Barcelona Office
T: 0034 93 506 6006 ext. 1
F: 0034 93 324 9456

New York Office
T: 001 212 725 7676 ext. 13
F: 001 212 725 7529